Refund Policy

Important: Payments are non-refundable, including fees and other charges. Please see additional details below.

Premium subscriptions

allyourfeeds Premium subscriptions, such as Premium Professional, Business, Enterprise, Messaging, Pay as You Go, Navigator, and Explorer,, are non-refundable. If you cancel your Premium subscription, all of your Premium features will expire at the end of your billing cycle.

Note: All iOS refunds must be issued by Apple. Therefore, if you purchased a Premium subscription through the allyourfeeds iOS app, please Contact Apple to inquire about cancellations and refunds. You’ll need to click the No Thanks, Continue button to connect with an Apple support rep via email or chat.

Pay-per-action products

Pay-per-action products charge per click, impression, applicant, etc. These products include, for example, allyourfeeds Ads, Sponsored Jobs, and any other product where you're charged per action. Any actions delivered and charged are non-refundable.

Individual allyourfeeds Learning courses

Under the laws applicable in your jurisdiction, you may qualify for a refund. For example, if you’re using our services for yourself (instead of on behalf of a business):

  1. If you live in Denmark or the Netherlands, we'll cancel your subscription with a one-month notice and refund any part of your subscription period remaining.
  2. Citizens of the European Union are entitled to a full refund during the 14 days after the subscription begins. Note: This 14-day period begins when the subscription service starts. For example, if you signed up for a one-month free trial, the period begins on the first day of your free trial, so there will be no fees paid as a refund.
  3. If you made a purchase using Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debit, you're entitled to a refund from your bank under the terms and conditions of your agreement with your bank. A SEPA direct debit refund must be claimed within eight weeks starting from the date on which your account was debited.
  4. If you believe your situation warrants an exception, you can submit your account for review.
Important: Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) is a payment option that’s now unavailable to CAP subscribers in Sales Navigator, Recruiter, and other enterprise products. However, it’s still available to EU Premium subscribers.